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Category: A Closer Look

Apple has been lying to me for years

Apple has been lying to me for years

Reading Time: 3 minutes Dramatic headline isn’t it? Sure it’s probably clickbait but it’s the truth none the less. I’m talking about the application Activity Monitor. Years ago I got my hands on a switch that supported LAG (Link Aggregate), the ability to merge two ethernet ports together and get a considerable bandwidth boost. Not all LAG/LACP are the same and implementation standards even vary between manufacturers so some might use LAG as failover, others to get more bandwidth. My goal was of course,…

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Exploring an iMac G5 prototype

Exploring an iMac G5 prototype

Reading Time: 6 minutes The date is December 22nd, 2018 and my friend Michael goes out to pick up an iMac G5. $50, in good shape, nothing special. He’s wanted one for a while just to add to his collection and finally found one locally. He meets the seller which tells him he got this from a woman that used to work at Apple. Sure, whatever, he thinks. Just trying to justify the pricetag. Michael buys it, takes it home and thinks nothing of…

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Further tweaking the cooling – Part 1

Further tweaking the cooling – Part 1

Reading Time: 6 minutes This is a post in the Project Maya series. To see all related posts go to the index page here. I added fans, took fans out, tested different fans, experimented with different thermal pastes and even thermal pads. The biggest change I wanted to make to the cooling since day one, was the heat sink. The aluminum block got the job done but I wanted better so of course the search began for a copper heat sink. Found a few…

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A little-known fact about the Power Mac G5 and what to do with this information

A little-known fact about the Power Mac G5 and what to do with this information

Reading Time: 6 minutes How many fans does a Power Mac G5 have? Depending on the configuration this answer varies but you can be almost sure the answer is always one short. Let’s take a look at the Late 2005 Quad in this example. – 2 intake fans (front inlet fan assembly) – 2 exhaust fans (rear exhaust fan assembly) – 1 fan in the PCI bay (speaker assembly) – 1 fan for the hard drives (media bay fan) 6 fans total, right? Wrong….

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More puckmousery

More puckmousery

Reading Time: 5 minutes In March 2017, one of my wife’s friends had to get rid of some clutter. This clutter consisted of a PowerBook G4, PowerBook G3 Pismo and an iMac G3. With the iMac G3 came, of course, an Apple USB Mouse or as it’s better known: a puck. A blue one in this case. It’s no secret I love these pucks but holding and using one again (I connected it and used it for a few days) my love was rekindled….

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